an instant of life captured for all eternity

I hope everyone had a lovely Easter weekend.   We had an incredibly busy long weekend filled with little projects and fun.

We finally hooked up the gas stove so now we are really cooking with gas! We also went to the spca charity shop and bough a lot and I mean a lot of books, also we bought….old records.  No, I don’t have a record player YET, but soon I will and I will be listening to sweet, sweet jams.

We also kind of finished the mosaic table, I just need to seal it and it will be perfect, but you know what am tired of talking about my weekend let me just show you.


^^ Got a bankers lamp for the study, because it looks so good.


^^ Check out this little guy! a welcome addition to the table in the study.


^^ Yes, we got a table for the study.  Its about time right? Well you know what we didn’t get? a chair!

DSC04448 ^^ New art on the wall.  We got these frames at the charity shop for really cheap, took out the horrible original art and replaced it with this.  Also added to the wall is this African mask.

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^^ Ngwenya glass village.  Filled with lots of recycled glass creations. truly beautiful.


^^ Saw this amazing set up at the village.  Would love this in the garden.


^^ Beautiful flowers.


^^ Also picked this up for added prettiness to the wall.


^^ Close up of the new wall decor.


^^ Knitting the new yoga.  I started knitting and boy is it relaxing!


^^ The records we got.  Yes, someone did give Bowie a new face.


^^ Second hand book haul.

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^^ Scarf I made for Carl.


^^ Pretty Daisies in the garden.


^^ Peas popping out.


^^ Lettuce growing in my container garden.


^^ flowers popping out of the grass.


^^ These roses are gigantic!


^^ Belphie inspecting the damage the dogs did to the poor lavender.


^^ This is the book pile in the study.

DSC04473^^ Cleaning up the mosaic table.

What did you get up to this weekend? any new projects you’re doing at home?

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